
Welcome to my site, an attempt of a blog to share some virtualization knowledge and hopefully give back to the vCommunity that has offered me so much through the years.

Here, you will find notes, thoughts, rarities or challenges encountered on my day to day activities at work, user groups and conferences I participate in.

The initial intention is to post solutions or workarounds to problems I may face or the actual technical issue and expected resolution. There will also be some installation walk-through procedures in order to provide personal opinions and maintain for my own future reference.

Being a proud member of the vBrownBagLATAM community, I will also write posts in Spanish to share with our growing community of Latino virtualization geeks not only in Latin America, but all over the world.

Everyone is welcomed to participate and provide feedback here. So, please feel free to engage in the conversations via Twitter, contribute and share your knowledge, that should allow us all to learn more and improve.